Dr. Yu-Wei Hsieh (謝鈺偉)
Sr. Economist at Amazon.com



Working Papers

3.  A Hedonic Model with Rationing by Waiting (with Alfred Galichon) [paper]

2. Monotone Comparative Statics for Submodular Functions, with an Application to Deferred Acceptance (with Alfred Galichon and Maxime Sylvestre) [paper]

1. To Score or Not to Score? Estimates of a Sponsored Search Auction Model (with Matthew Shum and Sha Yang), R&R, International Economic Review [paper]

Peer-Reviewed Publications

9. Chen, K.-M., Y.-W. Hsieh, and M.-J. Lin (2023), Reducing Recommendation Inequality via Two-Sided Matching: A Field Experiment of Online Dating, International Economic Review, Vol 64, Issue 3, pp. 1201-1221.

8. Bonnet, O., A. Galichon, Y.-W. Hsieh, K. O'Hara, and M. Shum (2022), Yogurts Choose Consumers? Estimation of Random Utility Models via Two-Sided Matching, Review of Economic Studies, VoL. 89, Issue 6, pp. 3085–3114. 

7. Hsieh, Y.-W., X, Shi, and M. Shum (2022), Inference on Estimators defined by Mathematical Programming, Journal of Econometrics, Vol 226, Issue 2, pp. 248-268.

6. Dong, B., Y.-W. Hsieh, and X. Zhang (2022), Implementing Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Empirical Matching Models: MPEC versus NFXP, Computational Economics, Vol 59, pp. 1-32.

5. Dong, B. and Y.-W. Hsieh (2021), Misallocation or Mismeasurement? Evidence from Plant-Level Data, Annals of Economics and Statistics, No. 142, pp. 211-234.

4. Dong, B., Y.-W. Hsieh, and M. Shum (2021), Computing Moment Inequality Models Using Constrained Optimization,  Econometrics Journal, Vol 24, Issue 3, pp. 399-416.

3. Duan, J.-C., A. Fulop, and Y.-W. Hsieh (2020), Data-Cloning SMC2: a Global Optimizer for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Variable Models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol 143, 106841. 

2. Hsieh, Y.-W. and M. Shum (2020), Bayesian Estimation of Linear Sum Assignment Problems, Li, T., Pesaran, M. and Terrell, D. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of Cheng Hsiao (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 41), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 323-339. 

1. Kuan, C.-M. and Y.-W. Hsieh (2008), Improved HAC Covariance Estimation Based on Forecast Errors, Economics Letters, 99: 89-92.

In Chinese

2. 謝鈺婷、管中閔、蔡蕙安、謝鈺偉(2010)「評估健保制度中肺結核的論質計酬專案」,人文社會科學集刊,22:4,485-519


Book Chapter

Chapter 8. "Bounds on Counterfactuals in Semi-parametric Discrete Choice Models”, EE Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Empirical Microeconomics, edited by N. Hashimzade and M. A. Thornton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp 223–237.